RAM Peak Performance Sales Strategy

Your clients want many things from a media partner like your organization. But at the end of the day, it is one thing your clients want more than anything. They want to know and understand:

  • How did my campaign perform?
  • How did my campaign connect with the target audience?
Book a research consultation

Rating numbers don't paint the whole picture of a campaign's performance. Your client wants to know more -- how their target audience interacted with the campaign, how it made them feel, and whether they took action as a result. RAM can provide that and more. With decades of experience in research, sales & marketing within media, we know how to give you an edge in your market by utilizing research as the most powerful sales tool in your toolbox. Using strategic hyper-local research studies, we provide clarity, differentiation, and a go-forward plan in a highly competitive media market, whether it is Broadcast or News media. We support you and your clients by giving unique insights into telling stories and directions that accelerate growth for your most desired customers.

How does it work? We want to make research easy to use and easy to understand. Many other companies entirely leave this out simply because it requires much work, especially how to turn data into actionable insights that you can use in your daily sales life. How do we know that this is crucial for client development? Working with thousands of brands, markets, countries, and media organizations, we have learned quite a lot. We have been in your shoes, knowing what is necessary to retain and grow a business in a highly competitive market. RAM isn't here to simply give you more data. There are plenty of other companies that can do that. We turn data into growth opportunities for your business. We give you the insights you need to turn your unique competitive advantages into tangible increases in revenue.

71 Million +
Interviews Conducted
220,000 +
Campaigns Measured
15 Million
International Panel Members
10,000 +
Brands Analyzed

How do we do this?

1. RAM provides bi-weekly strategy sessions and monthly reporting of our progress so you can feel confident that things are moving forward and staying on track for your initiatives. Bi-weekly meetings will include: - Calendar check-in - Report reviews - Sales successes/best practices - Business update.

2. Our RAM Peak Performance sessions will include a whole-staff training session.

3. We will have individual in-depth discussions with each salesperson to identify opportunities. These will be placed in our RAM Peak Performance research plan for the coming months. Discussions will cover:

   a. Top clients - Up-sell opportunities
   b. At-risk clients
   c. Prospecting targets

Book a free consultation

Start your insights journey today, by booking a 30-minute discovery call.  Learn how we can partner together to provide your business with the insights you need.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the major challenge for Account Executives in the broadcast industry today?

Audience attention is being pulled in every direction, making it more critical than ever to know whether your viewers are connecting with your content and advertising. Advertisers, broadcasters, and agencies must find new ways to serve and sell ads that deliver results and ensure campaign effectiveness.

As an Account Executive, how can I benefit from the RAM Peak Performance Sales Strategy?

With deeper knowledge of how your viewers consume media, engage with your content, and decide between competitors when spending, you and your partners can make informed and confident decisions that lead to results.
RAM Market Research connects your clients with their target audience with the end goal of becoming more relevant to their ideal consumers. We help you optimize every step of the sales cycle with market insights and ensure that you have a clear differentiator to offer your clients and prospects with your broadcast offering.

How can I learn more about my local market and drive sales from that?

Learning more about your unique market is crucial to improving results, but that’s easier said than done. With decades of combined experience and proven results, we’re confident that RAM offers the strongest market insights in the industry. We have three proven ways of combining insights and sales to help you grow your business:

1. Increase Your Audience By revealing the interests, preferences, brand loyalties, and spending habits of the viewers in your market, RAM helps you optimize your content and advertising and increase your competitive value proposition.

2. Upsell Your Current Advertisers Our research reveals your viewers’ relationship with your advertisers by demonstrating how your broadcast and digital content affects their opinions and purchase decisions. From the motives that drive viewer spending to the ads that thrive on your platforms, RAM’s strategic and innovative methodologies help you either validate or improve your current advertisements and sponsored content so you can upsell your current advertisers.

3. Acquire New Advertisers Understanding your viewers’ brand loyalties, local shopping preferences, and buying intentions can help you prioritize the best advertising prospects for your local market and provide your business the edge it needs to land competitive contracts

How do I start using RAM Peak Performance Sales Strategy?

Easy, connect with us today. We will set up a call and take you through our proven RAM Peak Performance Sales Strategy Model. After this, sit back, and we will handle everything for you.

Bottom line: RAM creates a reliable path to revenue growth for your business.

Your MVP: Most Valuable Partner

RAM supports your entire organization, acting as an extension of your team to provide start-to-finish support, engaging presentations and valuable recommendations.  Whether we help you with a one-time project or have a partnership that lasts for years, RAM takes pride in tailoring solutions to meet the needs of your business.

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